
Webinar: The interplay of the Medical Device Regulation, AI and data protection in medical technology

Published 28 May 2024 by Dr. Oliver Stöckel. SKW Schwarz, Germany

In German language

In the dynamic world of medical technology, it is essential to always be aware of the latest regulatory requirements. The introduction of the AI Act poses new legal challenges for medtech companies when using AI.

In addition, the requirements of the MDR and data protection must still be complied with, particularly with regard to the handling of sensitive health data. But how exactly does the “magic triangle” of MDR, AI Act and data protection work in medical technology?

Using practical examples we will answer this question and would like to invite you to our free webinar (in German language):

“The interplay of the Medical Device Regulation, AI and data protection in medical technology”
on Thursday, June 13, 2024
from 12:30 – 13:30
via MS Teams

Our focus:

  • An introduction to the new AI regulatory principles and their impact on the medical technology industry, in particular risk classification, conformity assessment and certification.
  • The importance of the AI Act for the development and use of artificial intelligence in medicine.
  • Data protection regulations for medical devices with AI and best practices for successful implementation.Our experts will use practical examples to describe the interaction of the regulatory requirements of the AI Act and their interaction with the MDR. We will explain what medtech companies need to consider. We will also discuss the importance of data protection in this context and show how manufacturers and users can use medical technology with AI in compliance with data protection regulations.

As a participant of the webinar, you will not only receive valuable insights and answers to your questions; you will also get the recording of the webinar and our exclusive whitepaper “The interplay of the Medical Device Regulation, AI and data protection in medical technology – 20 questions and answers”.


Register for free today and benefit from our in-depth knowledge and expertise in the field of digital health: to the registration

Our team of experts looks forward to meeting you in our webinar!

Webinar: The interplay of the Medical Device Regulation, AI and data protection in medical technology